you let the HAPPY SHIBE kiss you on the mouth! ew SHIBE BREATH\n\nthe HAPPY SHIBE turns into a BEAUTIFUL PERSON\n\n"~ welcome to home ~"\n\n"i am the last of the WERESHIBES"\n\n"wow ~ such legacy"\n\nyou have made a new friend for life!!!!!\n\n[[THE END!|CREDITS]]
<<display "OUTSIDE">>\n<<set $inv = []>>\n<<set $furinears = false>>\n<<set $step = 0>>
you stand outside of a [[HOUSE]]. there is a [[SIGN]] here\n\n<<if (not $furinears)>>you hear barking nearby\n\n<<display "BARKING">><<if $step gte 15>>\n<<display "BARKING">><<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<set $step = $step + 1>>
you see a number of rare volumes on ferocious animals. the book that captivates your intention is ~MASTERING THE SHIBE CONSCIOUSNESS~.<<if $inv.indexOf("BOOK ABOUT SHIBES") lt 0>><<set $inv.push("BOOK ABOUT SHIBES")>>\n\ngot BOOK ABOUT SHIBES<<endif>>\n\n[[« back|LIVING ROOM]]\n<<set $step = $step + 1>>\n
no kisses for the SHIBE, too bad. you now can leave safely\n\nwow ~ such boring\n\n[[THE END!|CREDITS]]
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the FOUR-POSTER BED has a down comforter on it and seems very warm and inviting\n\n<<if $inv.indexOf("FLUFFY PILLOW") gte 0>>you think the bed would be very comfortable with your nice FLUFFY PILLOW and place it on the bed<<endif>>\n\nyou want to get into bed and [[SLEEP]] <<if (not $furinears)>> but you hear barking\n\n<<display "BARKING">><<if $step gte 15>>\n<<display "BARKING">><<endif>>\n\n<<if $inv.indexOf("CLUMP OF FUR") gte 0>>\nyou consider putting the [[CLUMP OF FUR IN YOUR EARS]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<set $step = $step + 1>>\n[[« back|BEDROOM]]\n
~ woof ~ woof ~ woof ~
<<set $furinears = true>>\nwow ~ such jeanious\n\nyou put the fur in your ears like a champ!\n\n<<set step = $step + 1>>\n[[« back|FOUR-POSTER BED]] \n
you pick up your FLUFFY PILLOW and swing it playfully at the SHIBE\n\nthe SHIBE is shocked but starts pawing at the air playfully\n\nyou have turned the FEROCIOUS SHIBE into a HAPPY SHIBE\n\n[img[]]\n\nthe HAPPY SHIBE tries to kiss you\n\n[[KISSES]]\n[[NO KISSES]]
you wake up to the sound of muffled growling. a ferocious SHIBE is staring back at you\n\n[img[]]\n\ndo you:\n\n<<if $inv.indexOf("SHIBE TREATS") gte 0>>[[USE SHIBE TREATS]]\n<<endif>>\n<<if $inv.indexOf("BOOK ABOUT SHIBES") gte 0>>[[READ BOOK ABOUT SHIBES]]\n<<endif>>\n<<if $inv.indexOf("FLUFFY PILLOW") gte 0>>[[PILLOW FIGHT THE SHIBE]]\n<<endif>>\n[[RUN]]
you are in a rustic KITCHEN with an old noisy refrigerator\n\n<<if $inv.indexOf("SHIBE TREATS") lt 0>>there are small [[SEALED BAGS]] on the counter<<endif>>\n\n<<if (not $furinears)>>you hear barking\n\n<<display "BARKING">><<if $step gte 15>>\n<<display "BARKING">><<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n[[« back|HOUSE]]\n<<set $step = $step + 1>>
you are in a LIVING ROOM. there is a [[VELVET SOFA]] that is covered in fur\n\nto your left is a [[BOOKCASE]] filled with unusual volumes\n\nto your right is a [[LOVE SEAT]] covered in pillows\n\nbehind you is the [[FOYER|HOUSE]] of the house\n\n<<if (not $furinears)>>you hear barking\n\n<<display "BARKING">><<if $step gte 15>>\n<<display "BARKING">><<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n
the sign is handpainted plywood, loosely attached to a post by a long rusted nail.\n\nthe sign says ''BEWAR OF SHIBE''.\n\n[[~ back|OUTSIDE]]\n<<set $step = $step + 1>>\n
you pick up a clump of fur from the baseboard\n\n[img[]]\n\n<<if $inv.indexOf("CLUMP OF FUR") lt 0>><<set $inv.push("CLUMP OF FUR")>>\n\ngot CLUMP OF FUR<<endif>>\n\n[[« back|HOUSE]]\n<<set $step = $step + 1>>\n
this is a well used leather LOVE SEAT. the pile of [[PILLOWS]] make it impossible for you to sit down comfortably\n\n[[« back|LIVING ROOM]]\n<<set $step = $step + 1>>\n
you try to run away from the SHIBE\n\nyou fail and you feel the SHIBE's teeth sink into your leg. \n\nas you faint you realize OH NO this was a WERESHIBE; you are doomed to live through a CYCLE OF SHIBEDOM\n\n<<if $inv.indexOf("SHIBE TREATS") gte 0>>but at least you have SHIBE TREATS!\n<<endif>>\n\n[[THE END!|CREDITS]]\n
you look at the PILLOWS\n\n[img[]]<<if $inv.indexOf("FLUFFY PILLOW") lt 0>><<set $inv.push("FLUFFY PILLOW")>>\n\nyou choose the fluffiest pillow that is not covered in fur \n\ngot FLUFFY PILLOW<<endif>>\n\n[[« back|LOVE SEAT]]\n<<set $step = $step + 1>>\n
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you are inside a HOUSE. it is small and smells very musty\n\n<<if $inv.indexOf("CLUMP OF FUR") lt 0>>you see [[CLUMPS OF FUR]] lining the the baseboards<<endif>>\n\nto the left is the [[KITCHEN]]. to the right is the [[BEDROOM]]\n\nahead of you is the [[LIVING ROOM]]. behind you is the door to the [[OUTSIDE]].\n\n<<if (not $furinears)>>you hear barking\n\n<<display "BARKING">><<if $step gte 15>>\n<<display "BARKING">><<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<set $step = $step + 1>>\n
the VELVET SOFA is worn in many places and has the teeth marks of a vicious SHIBE on its legs\n\n<<back>>\n<<set $step = $step + 1>>\n
you open the bag of SHIBE TREATS and toss some down to the SHIBE\n\nthe SHIBE eats them angrily and growls up at you\n\n<<set $inv.splice($inv.indexOf("SHIBE TREATS"),1)>>\n\n[[« back|SHIBE ALERT]]
! BEWAR OF SHIBE\n!! by [[Mx A. Matienzo|]]\n\nwritten APRIL 2013 for 1st International Shibe Twine Jam\n\nCLUMP OF FUR picture by [[derfian|]]\n\nPILLOWS picture by [[BarbaraLN|]]\n\nTREATS picture by [[_tar0_|]]\n\nFEROCIOUS SHIBE picture by [[Alaskan pup|]]\n\nHAPPY SHIBE picture by [[_tar0_|]]\n\n[img[]]This work is licensed under [[Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License|]].
you try to sleep\n\n<<if $inv.indexOf("FLUFFY PILLOW") lt 0>>you can't fall asleep, you don't have a pillow\n\n[[« back|FOUR-POSTER BED]]<<else>>\n<<if $furinears>>\nyou drift off into a deep slumber\n\n<<timedreplace 8>>wow ~ such dreams<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedgoto "SHIBE ALERT" 20>><<else>>\n<<timedreplace 7>>you can't fall asleep, you hear barking \n<<display "BARKING">>\n[[« back|FOUR-POSTER BED]]\n<<endtimedreplace>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n<<set $step = $step + 1>>\n
you are inside the BEDROOM. there is a [[FOUR-POSTER BED]] here missing pillows\n\nyou are very tired, but you know that it will be very uncomfortable without pillows \n\n<<if (not $furinears)>>you hear barking\n\n<<display "BARKING">><<if $step gte 15>>\n<<display "BARKING">><<if $step gte 30>>\n\nyou are so tired but can't sleep because of the barking<<endif>>\n<<endif>><<endif>>\n<<set $step = $step + 1>>\n\n[[« back|HOUSE]]
Mx A. Matienzo
the SEALED BAGS are red and blue foil and are stamped with large letters that say TREATS\n\n[img[]]\n\n<<if $inv.indexOf("SHIBE TREATS") lt 0>><<set $inv.push("SHIBE TREATS")>>\n\ngot SHIBE TREATS<<endif>>\n\n[[« back|KITCHEN]]\n<<set $step = $step + 1>>\n