Wielding the Whip

Affect, Archives, & Ontological Fusion

I need to talk to you about emotion.

Why are we so reluctant to acknowledge that archives are repositories of feeling?

Tim Sherratt

Archives allow you to start tracking those friendships and connections. Those relationships are the foundation for the production of art and for a life well lived ...

Ann Cvetkovich

Facebook Graph Search: 'Like' is not an emotion, nor is it creation.

Platforms are writing stories without emotion about us ...

... while we bleed emotion into our stories

Can we gain control of our graphs?

Can linked data be a way to amplify our emotion?

Can we write stories about the real world objects in our collections to build those emotional connections?

It’s hard to visualize our problems and emotions when they get interrupted by code, but we know the feel of words. They’ve dwelt in us our whole life. They are alive and they want to come out.


Don't about worry the pushback from the Semantic Web community.

I want us to use the simplest user-facing tools we can, like Twine

Linked data we're already using & creating should be used in and augmented by fictional narratives and parafiction.

Knowledge organization systems will impact the affect of our narratives but we won't know how until we write them.

Ontological fusions ... [are] where a fictional world is overlaid on the actual world ... [and] in wielding the whip I accept a role in the fiction.

Jill Walker

Let's build this.



