This website serves comprehensive portfolio for myself, combined with a blog (“posts”), short snippets (“notes”), and other material. I use it to organize my thoughts and to remember things.
This website is created using Hugo using the Lancet theme with site-specific refinements.
The text is set in Work Sans, designed by Wei Huang.
Content for the site is authored using VS Code, Zettlr, 1Writer and Netlify CMS and managed in a Github repository.
The site attempts to apply Indieweb principles in a way that makes sense to me. I like structured data but I’m not dogmatic about it. It leverages and Bridgy heavily as a static site. New comments and interactions only come in through Webmentions. I use a lightly forked version of webmention.js to load them live from Comments were previously managed by Disqus, but I migrated all the data out.
The site is built and hosted on Netlify. The build pipeline is currently simple because I don’t like dealing with Node.js breakage.
Previous iterations
(or a comparable counterpart) has been in operation roughly since 2005 in the following forms:
- 2020-: Hugo, hosted on Netlify
- 2015-2020: Jekyll, hosted on Github Pages
- 2013-2015: Octopress, hosted on Github Pages
- 2010-2012: WordPress, hosted on Rackspace
- 2008-2010: Drupal, hosted on Linode/Rackspace
- 2007-2008: various wiki software, hosted on SDF
- 2005-2007: Drupal, hosted… somewhere. Maybe SDF.
Before then, I had a number of hand-crafted sites that were lovingly hosted through school, various hosting providers, and of course, Geocities.
Nonetheless, some of this content goes back even further, at least in proxy form - the oldest bit of content is my undergraduate thesis.