I’m still in awe that I actually got transmitting and receiving APRS to work, but it’s cool to see decentralized service discovery in action.
Even though the air quality is really poor, I stepped outside for about 15 minutes to see if I could hear any ham radio signals from the International Space Station. For just a tiny bit I was able to copy some QSOs on the relatively new cross-band repeater. A little too hectic for me to jump in since I couldn’t remember my grid square…
🔖 Packet Compressed Sensing Imaging (PCSI) –
Presented by John Howard (@HowardPhotonics) at the TAPR/ARRL Digital Communications Conference (which I missed); this looks really neat, with a proof of concept released under GPL.
🔖 Mycelial Design Patterns –
Live cheap. Fungi disassemble what they have available to them and build with the resulting molecules. This is what voice of the mushroom said to Terence McKenna: ‘when you’re a mushroom, you live cheap!’. We must strive to allow for running nodes with the lowest possible resource inputs.
🔖 Stuart Buck, "Replacing Spectrum Auctions with a Spectrum Commons", 2002 STAN. TECH. L. REV. 2 –
As Congressman Edward Markey said in a debate on the fairness doctrine, “It does not seem to me to be an outrageous idea that broadcasters – who are granted, at no cost, the exclusive use of a scarce public resource, the electromagnetic spectrum – be required to inform the public in a responsible manner.” Indeed, to the extent that broadcasters or other users are given a government-protected monopoly over a particular range of spectrum, it does seem fair that they have to pay for the privilege. This rationale would disappear, however, insofar as an area of the spectrum is governed as a commons. Just as the users of the atmosphere (that is, everyone who breathes) do not need to pay the government for the privilege, neither should those spectrum users who participate in commons governance.
🔖 ActivityPub Conference 2020 (October 2-5, 2020) –
I’m excited to see a wide variety of talks about a bunch of my interests, including Indymedia and SKOS.
Trying my hand at #SSTV. 145.510 MHz.
🔖 Cade Diehm, This is Fine: Optimism & Emergency in the P2P Network –
The moment demands not another protocol, not another manifesto, not another social network, but a savvy understanding of the political dynamics of protocols and the nakedness of today’s networks. By embracing a reverse Shock Doctrine as a Service, developing clear, historically-grounded narratives, and building sensitivity to the user’s abilities and safety, these new decentralisation reformists can succeed where others have failed. Their solution cannot mimic an existing platform, and they must resist the temptation to trust their personal ephemera to the cloud. The phone books, calendars, notepads, photo albums and secrets that communities upload are exactly the debased thrills that extrajudicial perverts hunger after. These communities, their communications, their social graphs and their movements are ripe for exploitation. The only future is one where this is reality is embraced and fought against with every possible effort.
Fig, prosciutto, sharp provolone, and mozz to celebrate passing my exam for my Technician ham radio license. Tomato sauce + mozz/prov just because.
Instagram Live stream using a live-coded sample looper in Sonic Pi and the Paracosm Lumen software video synthesizer.