Trying to recompile 9front kernel to get wifi working on a Raspberry Pi 4, and am closer, but still not quite there. Definitely feel like I don’t know what I’m doing. In any event, I’m trying to get Richard Miller’s
driver to work under 9front (bcm64
) and am a bit out of my depth. #plan9Also getting a little more used to acme, finally.
Optimizing friction
Over and in response to the last few months, I’ve been reflecting about intentionality, and how I spend my time creating things. I have tried to improve the indiewebbiness of my site, and understanding what it means to “scratch my own itch”. This resonates particularly lately because it’s leading me to mull over which parts should be hard and easy. Unsurprisingly, much of that is personal preference, and figuring out how I want to optimize from the perspective of user experience. Friction in UX can be a powerful tool, part of what I’m trying to find is where I want to retain friction as it helps me remain intentional.
Messed around and installed Plan 9. The SDF tutorial is a good starting point. #plan9 #sdf #bootcamp2020
Good thing I had a three-button mouse nearby.