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A Hugo shortcode for embedding Mirador

I spent a little time over the last day or so trying to bodge together a shortcode for Hugo to embed an instance of Mirador. While it’s not quite as simple (or full-featured) as I’d like, it’s nonetheless a starting point. The shortcode generates a snippet of HTML that gets loaded into Hugo pages, but (unfortunately) most of the heavy lifting is done by a separate static page that gets included as an <iframe/> within the page. That page parses URL parameters to pass some of the parameters when Mirador gets instantiated.

Getting a consistent way to load multiple IIIF manifests, either into comparison view or for populating a resource list also needs some work, which also led me to grapple with thinking through the IIIF Content State API spec, which will require some more attention, too.


I’d forgotten to include the code for the shortcode in the original version of the post, but here it is. The static page to load Mirador is viewable in my implementation.

{{- $miradorLink := newScratch -}}
{{- $miradorLink.Set "url" (printf "%s?" ("/iiif" | absURL) ) -}}
{{- with .Get "manifest" -}}
  {{- $miradorLink.Add "url" (printf "iiif-content=%s" .) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- with .Get "enableWorkspaceControlPanel" -}}
  {{- $miradorLink.Add "url" (printf "&enableWorkspaceControlPanel=%s" .) -}}
{{- end -}}
<div class="mirador">
  <iframe style="width: 100%; height: 50vh;"
    src="{{ $miradorLink.Get "url" }}"></iframe>
    <a href="{{ $miradorLink.Get "url" }}" target="_blank">Open in new window</a>

Hopefully, this might be of use to someone other than me, but in any event, it’s been an enjoyable way to understand the subtleties of Go templates.
