Experiments with SSTV encoder/decoder, modular synthesizer, and effects.
🔖 Permacomputing –
Any community that uses a technology should develop a deep relationship to it. Instead of being framed for specific applications, the technology would be allowed to freely connect and grow roots to all kinds of areas of human and non-human life. Nothing is “just a tool” or “just a toy”, nobody is “just a user”.
There would be local understanding of each aspect of the technology. Not merely the practical use, maintenance and production but the cultural, artistic, ecological, philosophical and historical aspects as well. Each local community would make the technology locally relevant.
Each technology would have one or more “scenes” where the related skills and traditions are maintained and developed. Focal practices are practiced, cultural artifacts are created, enthusiasm is roused and channeled, inventions are made. The “scenes” would not replace formal institutions or utilitarian practices but would rather provide an undergrowth to support them.
I’ve been tracking the CZU Lightning Complex Fires, which erupted over the last weekend after storms near me. The closest fires are about 20 miles south in San Mateo County and Santa Cruz County, although the smoke has gotten pretty bad here. I’m heartbroken for everyone impacted by this, which includes a few friends and acquaintances, and farmers from whom I get my food, who live in the evacuation area. It’s also a tremendously special part of California for me, and it feels like yet another thing added to the ceaseless current of mourning over the last six months. It also motivated me enough to finally put together a “go bag” in case we have to evacuate, and I’ve picked up studying for my Technician license for amateur radio as a means of coping.
🔖 Jessie Frazelle, "Power to the People", CACM 63(8), August 2020 –
On power efficiencies in the data center at rack-level architectures.
Trying to recompile 9front kernel to get wifi working on a Raspberry Pi 4, and am closer, but still not quite there. Definitely feel like I don’t know what I’m doing. In any event, I’m trying to get Richard Miller’s
driver to work under 9front (bcm64
) and am a bit out of my depth. #plan9 -
Messed around and installed Plan 9. The SDF tutorial is a good starting point. #plan9 #sdf #bootcamp2020
My new album is out. Eight tracks of disquieting drone/ambient/shoegaze, inspired by anxiety, climate grief, crustaceans, the coast, and nuclear power. Initial run of 200 pro-duplicated cassettes with letterpress printed covers. Massive thanks to folks who had a role in this release: @acid_lich for illustrations, James Plotkin for mastering, and Ben Owen at Middle Press for printing. Additional thanks to @TheGnarrator, @withoutdoom, and @adamfligsten for getting me to commit to using REAPER.
Ancestry is being acquired by Blackstone for $4.7B, in case if you were wondering if there was money to be made in exploiting family history. Blackstone is also known for such great hits acquiring SESAC, the performing rights organization, and acquiring a 50% stake to the Haynesville Shale in Louisiana from Shell for $1.2B. Not to mention the many evictions in Blackstone-owned buildings in California.
One of the things coming out of the #saa20 Research Forum #saa20rf are the net negative structural and strategic impacts of contingent labor on archival practice. It seems to make poor economic, practical, and long-term sense to rely on it further and it’s disheartening to see that we’ve had to.